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Father Brown & The Curse of The Christmas Fairy

Father Brown & The Curse of The Christmas Fairy

The Suffolk village of Dangleford is hanging by a thread! As Xmas approaches, its veneer of civility is cracking, like last year's Yule Log. A series of poison pen letters, signed "The Christmas Fairy", threaten to expose corruption at the heart of village life. As the mulled wine simmers, old grudges reach boiling point. Even Father Brown's renowned frosted plums may fail to get the party going! He must use all his wits to stop the midwinter madness snowballing into…a snowball of terror!

Common Ground present another of their much-loved festive comedy mysteries.

Book Tickets

Thursday 19 Dec 202419:30 Book Now
Friday 20 Dec 202416:00 Book Now
Friday 20 Dec 202419:30 Book Now
Saturday 21 Dec 202416:00 Book Now
Saturday 21 Dec 202419:30 Book Now
Sunday 22 Dec 202416:00 Book Now